
“Strong truth with a gentle approach…”
“This best describes the Heart & Soul of a Real Marriage program. As we viewed the tapes we found ourselves not only challenged in our own marriage, but also inspired in our ministry to families. We can confidently recommend this material to couples who want to refresh, rebuild or restore their marriages.”

Steve & Annie Chapman
Recording Artists

The Heart & Soul of a Real A Marriage seminar looks behind the wall of issues that most couples think are causing marital tension and into the deeper wounds that each carried into the relationship before they even met.  Rather than glossing over marital issues with marriage management skills, this course exposes the motivations of our hearts that sabotage any hope for genuine intimacy.  In so doing, it provides real hope for redeeming the marital intimacy we dreamed of when we first “fell in love.”
The Bridge To Life team is dedicated to making this course a tool that church marriage ministries can employ to reverse the tsunami of dysfunctional homes and relationships that wreck havoc on the family, the church and the community.
Mark Bonham, Director
Shepherd’s Heart, Inc.
Kalamazoo, MI

We heard about Bridge to Life about two years ago.  Mindful of a couple that was going through some difficult times in their marriage, the Lord opened up an opportunity to use the program as a basic “triage” for this couple last year.  Their marriage was on the brink of divorce due to infidelity, so we invited them into our home for private viewings of the BTL 12-week “Restore & Rebuild” series.  Their marriage was salvaged.   They still experience “bumps in the road” but there has been a healing of the relationship.  Immediately after finishing the program with that couple, another marriage of friends in a nearby city was suffering to the point of break-up.  The first few weeks were incredibly intense and difficult but eventually we observed a softening of the hearts of these two dear ones.  The BTL series helped to remind them that keeping their marriage together was exhibiting obedience to God, protecting their children and giving them hope for a more joyful union.  We have “check-up” times with them occasionally over the phone or at dinner!
Our small church has experienced rather lightly-attended Sunday evening services of late, so we set aside 12 weeks viewing the Bridge to Life seminar DVD’s and having discussions among the pre-registered couples.  Each person bought a workbook. Of 12 couples, eight finished all or most of the course.  We found it exciting that most were middle-aged couples that just wanted to improve their marriages.  When they completed the course, we invited them to our home for a special dinner where we fellowshipped and de-briefed the Bridge to Life program.  They asked to get together again so we’d better get out our calendar!!

Rev Paul and Karen Frick ~ Associate Pastor
Southwest Community Church
Miami, FL

I can personally attest to the fact that their combination of skill, compassion, experience, and life principles can rebuild lives. There is evidence of renewal of hope, purpose, and relationships through this work.
Rev. Steve Beirn ~ Pastor of Congregational Care
Immanuel Baptist Church
Holland, Michigan

For the past year our church has been teaching Bridge To Life’s Rebuild and Restore program on videotape to couples in our community. We have had awesome response and success. God is truly using this course to heal marriages.
Schofield & Sonya Lobell
Household of Faith
Gonzales, Louisiana

The R&R seminars have had a tremendous impact on preserving marriages. Christ-centered, God honoring, and restorative are just some of the words I would use to describe their impact on hurting marriages.

Darryl Bartlett
Holland Rescue Mission
Holland, Michigan

This practical biblical presentation helps couples as they seek to rebuild their marriages and honor God with their lives. I highly recommend this ministry to couples from my church.
Rev. Jerry Schreur ~ Retired Pastor of Family Ministries
Calvary Church
Grand Rapids, Michigan