Bridge To Life was invited to Czechoslovakia in 1990 shortly after the fall of communism to help marriages. After teaching and training individuals in relational issues, God raised up two couples who had a burden to minister to their people.
Both couples serve in full time ministry in the Czech Republic and raise their financial support.
If you would like to support either of these couples, you may do so by donating online or by mailing your gift to:
Bridge To Life
17194 Van Wagoner Rd
Spring Lake, MI 49456
Please designate your gift to either Pavel Raus, Parakletos or Pavel Meckovsky.
In 2000, Pavel and Magda Meckovsky had a burden to help marriages after working with university students for a number of years. They live in Olomous, Czech Republic were they work full time with marriages and men and women’s ministries.
In 2001, Bridge To Life helped establish a counseling center, Parakletos in Prague, Czech Republic under the leadership of Pavel and Julka Raus. Pavel and Julka minister full time offering counseling, marriage seminars and help for pastors. Don Smith serves on the board and travels to the Czech Republic each year to teach and offer training.
A relational Ministry in the Czech Republic
Learn more about the Parakletos ministry here.